MAGNETICAS deco to pin
Creative decorative wreaths with colourful glass baubles
Online since: 30/10/2020,
Number of visits: 91024
We, the supermagnete team, became aware of this unique customer project some time ago.
The company MAGNETICAS deco to pin skilfully creates wreaths that are decorated with glass baubles and other ornaments which attach to the metal wreaths with the help of magnets.
MAGNETICAS deco to pin is pleased to introduce itself to you:
About MAGNETICAS deco to pin
“Deco to pin” reveals a completely new dimension of creativity. Each creation is one of a kind, and there are no limits to the imagination. The wreaths can be used as decorative pieces on a wall, door or table.The special feature of MAGNETICAS – as the name already suggests – is the design style.
Our patent-pending product opens up entirely new possibilities.
The substructure for the wreaths is our base piece made of varnished metal which is then exclusively magnetically decorated.
Our magnetic decoration pieces allow you to create wreaths in a way that is quick, customisable, versatile and environmentally friendly.
You can, for example, choose between beautiful hand-blown baubles and figurines made of glass, candle holders or wooden figurines.
Each decoration piece has a suitable magnet.
The magnet we choose depends on the weight of the decoration piece and product structure.
We use rod, disc, hook and ring magnets.
Designing Christmas wreaths has never before been this easy and quick.
Are you looking for relaxation and fun? If so, our innovative product is perfect for you! Enjoy a cheerful and happy time in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
You will be surprised by your own creativity.
Find out more on our homepage complete with integrated online shop www.magneticas.de.
We wish all designers lots of fun!
Developed and selected for YOU with great care.
MAGNETICAS deco to pin
MAGNETICAS deco to pin
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